Saman Hussain

Saman is a professional certified coach (PCC), mediator, facilitator, trainer, consultant – and a dedicated student of life. Over the past twelve years, she has facilitated and coached thousands of individuals and hundreds of teams, serving a diverse spectrum of the human family. She brings an uncanny depth, boldness and sense of play to her work.

Her work spans from coaching senior executives and teams, facilitating organizational change and resilience processes, negotiating policy making between the U.S.federal government and Tribal nations, and leading community reconciliation processes on contentious topics of historic and cultural significance. Saman is a mentor and trainer in the fields of conflict transformation, group facilitation and coaching. She has also served as the founding Director of Training for an International Coach Federation (ICF) accredited coach training program in the US federal government, and is adjunct faculty at Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership.

Saman has a passion for bringing people together to sit in the fire of difference and rekindle the hope for healing. Through fierce curiosity and attunement to her clients, she brings forth the underlying interconnectedness and resilience that ties together teams, organizations and communities. She holds a BA from the University of Virginia and a MS from Johns Hopkins University. In addition to academic and clinical training in Western psychology, she is a student and practitioner of Islamic spiritual psychology. In her down time, you’ll find Saman delighting in laughter with loved ones, exploring the majestic outdoors, sipping tea with a book in hand and contemplating the paradoxes woven through the fabric of life.


Vanessa Timmons