What is the TORCH Community of Practice (TCP)?
The TCP is a forum to support individual development and organizational resilience, a sounding board for anyone, seasoned or new, who considers themselves to be members of a global healing community.
We know as practitioners that this work is challenging and can take a toll on those who are out there working with traumatized individuals and organizations every day.
Our Collective created the TORCH Community of Practice (TCP) to hold space for practitioners to come together to support each other in the larger global trauma and healing community.
Meetings take place on the last Monday of the month and provide an opportunity for practitioners to gather and:
go “outside your system” to gain perspective
share successes and challenges
gain support for integrity in your practice
try new things on the leading and learning edge
experience the excitement and power of a common commitment
Our vision is to create an environment where people can come with questions and the discussion blooms organically. While members of TORCH may initially help to guide sessions, our hope is that participants will share facilitation and over time the group will become self-sustaining.
Who should attend the TCoP?
If you’re a practitioner who is committed to addressing organizational, community, generational, or societal trauma - trauma that is historical and ongoing, cumulative and unaddressed, sudden and devastating – then this group is for you.
Send us a message to receive a TORCH Community of Practice calendar invitation.